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American Polydactyl

Breed Characteristics

Activity Level
Compatibility With Children
Compatibility With Other Pets
Need For Attention
Affection Towards It's Owners
Health Hardiness
Need For Grooming

1 paw - breed exhibits the least amount of this characteristic
5 paws - breed exhibits most amount of this characteristic


American Polydactyl

Origin And History The condition seems to be most commonly found in cats along the East Coast of North America (in the United States and Canada) and in South West England, Wales and Kingston-upon-Hull. Polydactyl cats have been extremely popular as ship's cats. Although there is some controversy over whether the most common variant of the trait originated as a mutation in New England or was brought there from Britain, there seems to be agreement that it spread widely as a result of cats carried on ships originating in Boston, Massachusetts, and the prevalence of polydactyl traits among the cat population of various ports correlates with the dates when they first established trade with Boston. Contributing to the spread of polydactyl cats by this means, sailors were long known to value polydactyl cats especially for their extraordinary climbing and hunting abilities as an aid in controlling shipboard rodents. Some sailors also considered them to be extremely good luck when at sea.
Genetic work studying the DNA basis of the condition however indicates that many different mutations can all lead to polydactyl traits and since samples from the UK and USA were shown to possess different mutations it seems likely that these cats have originated multiple times independently, rather than spreading from a single origin.
Nobel Prize-winning author Ernest Hemingway was a famous aficionado of polydactyl cats, after being first given a six-toed cat by a ship's captain. Upon Hemingway's death in 1961, his former home in Key West, Florida, became a museum and a home for his cats, and it currently houses approximately fifty descendants of his cats (about half of which are polydactyl). Because of his love for these animals, polydactyl cats are sometimes referred to as "Hemingway Cats".
Some sources state that these cats are rare in Europe because they were killed as witches' familiars, but other sources indicate that they are quite common in southern Britain.
This cat is also known as Boxers, Boxing Cats, Mitten Cats, Thumb Cats, Six-Finger Cats, and Boston Thumb Cats.
Personality American Polydactyl Cat breeds do not handle new environments well. Expect it to be reclusive or reluctant when it is first brought home. This cat breed will take the time to meet new people. Owners should expect it to join in the company whenever they have a visitor. Owners that enjoy interacting with their cat a few times a week will enjoy this cat breed. The American Polydactyl Cat can keep itself entertained in between quality time sessions with its owner. Bringing the American Polydactyl Cat to a home with children will bring the animal great joy. This cat loves children and their playful actions. The American Polydactyl Cat is perfect for owners who already have a dog or two. This cat gets along very well with canines! Owners beware that the amount of affection that this cat demands can be overwhelming. The American Polydactyl Cat is very affectionate. The American Polydactyl Cat breed is quite playful. Owners should have a stash of fun cat toys available for this cat breed. Owners have said that their American Polydactyl Cat does not do much more than lay around the house. This is due to its lower energy level. Owners have been successful in training this cat because the American Polydactyl Cat is a very intelligent breed.

Physical Attributes

Appearance The American Polydactyl Cat breed is a medium sized cat compared to other breeds. It is well-built, well-shaped, and hearty. This also gives the American Polydactyl Cat a defining difference when compared to other breeds. While weighing between 8 lbs (3.6 kg) to 12 lbs (5.4 kg) the American Polydactyl Cat breed might be just what you are looking for. The American Polydactyl Cat has a heritage with depth. The breeding of its pedigree has led to a fur coat (or lack-there-of) that is commonly described as fuzzy, soft, and trim. People looking to purchase a American Polydactyl Cat will find that these cats are available in all colours. Some of the more rare colours are exotic among cat breeds. The short length tail found in most of the American Polydactyl Cat breed is believed to help the cat with balance, grace, and agility. Their medium sized eyes, that are common among the American Polydactyl Cat breed, create a unique look that their owners find adorable.
Health This cat breed may have some health problems, but it is rare that they occur. While many cat breeds do have some mild health issues, common ones for the American Polydactyl Cat breed are Tapeworms, Vomiting, and Eye Problems.
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