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German Gray Heath sheep

German Gray Heath sheep

Place of Origin Germany
Origin The German Gray Heath, or Graue gehörnte Heidschnuckeis in German, the symbol of the Lueneburger Heide in Germany. Their ancestors, the Mouflon were at home in Corsica.
Purpose Meat, Fiber
Characteristics Single lambs are born in spring with a curly, black fleece. After the sheep’s first yearly shearing, its wool turns silver gray with a black bib. Head and legs are black and free of wool. Rams weigh up to 80 kg (176 lbs) and have imposing horns that curl close to the face. Ewes weigh about 45 kg (100 lbs) and have short horns.

Their meat tastes like venison. The dual-coated fleece of a ewe weighs 2.2 kg (4.4 lbs.), of a ram 4 kg (8.8 lbs).. The coarse, straight outer coat is 25 cm (11.4 in.) long. The downy underwool grows 6 cm (2.7 in) long and has a fiber diameter of 25-30 microns. The wool used to be sent to Belgium and Turkey to be worked into carpets.
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