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Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog

Breed Characteristics

Compatibility With Children
Trainability (Learning Rate)
Energy Level
Exercise Requirements
Compatibility With Other Pets

1 paw - breed exhibits the least amount of this characteristic
5 paws - breed exhibits most amount of this characteristic


Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog

Other Names Romanian Mioritic, Mioritic Shepherd, Ciobănesc Mioritic
Country of Origin Romania
Weight 110 - 132 lbs. (50 - 60 kg)
Height (at withers) Males: 27 - 29 in. (70 - 75 cm)
Females: 25 - 28 in. (65 - 70 cm)
Coat The coat is long with abundant hair covering the entire body, including the head and the feet; top coat slightly wavy, rough, long, measuring 3.15-6.3 inch (8-16 cm); the undercoat is dense and smooth.
Colour The basic colour is usually white, lightly cream or pale gray, sometimes with patches of these colours. Gray coloured skin is preferred. It is entirely possible for one litter to have a mix of pure white and grey/white dogs.
Litter Size 4 - 8 puppies, average 6 puppies.
Life Span 12 - 14 years
Origin & History This large size shepherd dog originated Carpathian mountains in Romania. The Mioritic Shepherd Dog was selected out of a natural breed that exists in the Carpathians, the main reason being its utility. Thanks to its vigorous appearance, this breed has many fans in Romania.
Personality The Mioritic Sheepdog is vivid and balanced; alert and vigilant, disciplined and very attached to its owner, but suspicious with strangers. Fearless and very courageous, he is the perfect protector of his owner and the herds. He is a vigilant, courageous and dominant dog, though he obeys his owner with calm and discipline. An incorruptible guard and a wonderful pet. A very good flock guard, very brave and an efficient fighter against possible attackers (bear, wolf, lynx). When raised as a working livestock guardian it will not be trustworthy with unknown people. It loves children very much. The objective in training this dog is to achieve pack leader status. It is a natural instinct for a dog to have an order in its pack. When we humans live with dogs, we become their pack. The entire pack cooperates under a single leader. Lines are clearly defined and rules are set. Because a dog communicates his displeasure with growling and eventually biting, all other humans MUST be higher up in the order than the dog. The humans must be the ones making the decisions, not the dogs. That is the only way your relationship with your dog can be a complete success.

Care Requirements

Health There are no known breed-specific health concerns.
Grooming The coat will benefit from occasional brushings.
Exercise This breed needs physical exercise. They need to be taken on a daily, long, brisk walk or jog. While out on the walk the dog must be made to heel beside or behind the person holding the lead, as in a dog's mind the leader leads the way, and that leader needs to be the human. In addition, they will benefit from a large, safe area where they can run free.
Other Considerations An adult Mioritic Sheepdog needs plenty of space to run around with a large backyard. They love to play, just let them outside.
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