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English Lop rabbit

Breed Characteristics

Pet Suitability

1 paw - breed exhibits the least amount of this characteristic
5 paws - breed exhibits most amount of this characteristic


English Lop rabbit

Origin As the first breed of lop rabbit, the English Lop was one of the first fancy breeds of rabbit developed in England, in the 19th century for the purposes of exhibition as a response to rise of animal fancy and consequently the rabbit's emergence as a mainstream household pet during the Victorian era, marking a departure from the earlier role of domesticated rabbit breeding for meat, fur and wool production. Later, the English Lop was bred with other Continental giant breeds of rabbit gave rise to a number of new breeds of lop rabbit, including the French Lop, which developed from breeding between the English Lop and Flemish Giant, and the Holland Lop, which was in turn developed from the French Lop and the Netherlands Dwarf. it is thought that the English lop got the large ears because in the Algeirs it was hot and with the big ears they kept cool.

Physical Attributes

Weight 9 - 15 lbs. (4.1 - 6.8 kg)
Ear Type Lop
Fur Type Flyback
Colours English Lops are bred in both solids and brokens(colours broken by white) and within this, they can come in several different colours, including (but not limited to) Black, orange/fawn, blue, agouti/opal, chinchilla, Red Eyed White, and blue and black torts.
Appearance Hinderquarters are rounded, shoulder and head narrow. The ears are lopped and extremely large, often measuring 24 inches (62.2 cm) from tip to tip.
Other Considerations Life Expectancy: 5-8 years
Temperament: People-oriented, affectionate and sensitive to owner
This rabbit requires extra care because of the ears. which are susceptible to disease and injury.
It is not recommended for a first time rabbit owner.
On November 1, 2003 the ears of an English Lop called Nipper's Geronimo were measured at 79 cm (31.125 in) in a complete span at the American Rabbit Breeders Association National Convention in Wichita, Kansas, USA and are recorded as the largest measured ear-span of a rabbit, and a Guinness World Record.
Best Kept In Pen. Shed, House or Yard.
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