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American Leopard Hound

Breed Characteristics

Compatibility With Children
Trainability (Learning Rate)
Energy Level
Exercise Requirements
Compatibility With Other Pets

1 paw - breed exhibits the least amount of this characteristic
5 paws - breed exhibits most amount of this characteristic


American Leopard Hound

Other Names Catahoula leopard dog, Catahoula hog dog, Catahoula Cur, Catahoula hound, Leopard Dogs, Leopard Cur
Country of Origin United States
Weight 50 – 95 lbs. (23 – 43 kg)
Height (at withers) Males: 22 – 26 in. (56 – 66 cm)
Females: 20 – 24 in. (51 – 61 cm)
Coat The texture of a Catahoula's coat may show some variance, being slick/painted-on, coarse, or woolly/shaggy. However, while other coat types may not be penalized, several registering bodies that recognize the Catahoula specify a short or slick-coated dog. Others, including the Animal Research Foundation, will accept short-to-medium haired dogs, but may list long fur or feathering of the fur as uncommon or a flaw.
Slick coat: A slick coat features fur that is very short and lies close to the body. These coats dry very rapidly, and because of this, the dog can be cleaned and ready in a matter of minutes. It is often referred to as a "Wash n' Wear" coat. This coat type is most common.
Coarse coat: This coat is a little longer and fuller than others. They do not require that much maintenance; however, these dogs are not quick to dry when wet. These coats will often display "feathers" seen on the rear legs, tail, and underbelly. Also they can be considered "fluffy".
Woolly coat: Woolly, shaggy, and double coats are far less common but rarely appear in some litters. At about 3 weeks of age, the coat will be longer and fuller and appear woolly. Most puppies will shed this for a coarse coat; however, some will become double-coats. Some coats will maintain a length similar to that of a stock-haired German Shepherd Dog while others will maintain their shaggy appearance.
Colour Catahoulas come in many different colours including blue merle, red merle, brindle, and solid colours. Often, solid coat Catahoulas have small splashes of other colours such as white on their face, legs or chest. The leopard-like coat of most Catahoulas is the result of the merle gene. The merle gene does not normally affect the entire coat of the dog, but dilutes the colour only in areas that randomly present the characteristic of the gene. Visually, white coats seem unaffected.
Cur Brown/ Catahoula Red Leopard: These are various shades of brown and tan, may also have white. Known as "red merle" in other breeds.
Blue Leopard: These are various shades of dark greys, black and some may also have white (generally on the feet and chest). Known as "blue merle" in other breeds.
Black or Black Leopard: These are leopards least affected by the merle gene but will display smaller patches of blue or gray.
Gray or Silver Leopard: Blue Leopards where the black colour has been diluted to gray. Known as "slate merle" in other breeds.
Tri-colour: Catahoulas with three distinct visible colours, usually white, black, and gray.
Quad-colour: These are Catahoulas with the varying body colourations and trim colours that help to designate the number of colours present on the dogs. Gray Catahoulas may be considered a Quad-colour when White and Tan trim are included. This dog would display black, gray, white, usually around the neck, face, feet, and tail, and Tan, which may also appear around the face and feet. Most Five-coloured dogs are misnamed Quad-coloured dogs.
Patchwork: These Catahoulas are predominantly white dogs with small amounts of solid and/or merle patches appearing throughout the coat. The coloured patches may be black or brown. Dilution may affect those coloured patches and produce gray, blue, red, or liver colouration within them.
Litter Size 3 - 6 puppies
Life Span 10 - 15 years
Origin & History The history of the Catahoula dog breed extends from prehistory through modern times, in the early 21st century. Both the Catahoula lineage and the origins of the name "Catahoula" are uncertain, however there are various theories.
One theory posits that the Catahoula is the result of Native Americans having bred their own dogs with molossers and greyhounds brought to Louisiana by Hernando de Soto in the 16th century. As for the aforementioned Native American dog breeds, for a time it was believed that they were bred with or from red wolves, but this idea is not supported by modern DNA analysis. Several recent studies have looked at the remains of prehistoric dogs from American archaeological sites and each has indicated that the genetics of prehistoric American dogs are similar to European and Asian domestic dogs rather than wild New World canids. In fact, these studies indicate that Native Americans brought several lines (breeds) of already domesticated dogs with them on their journeys from Asia to North America.
Another theory suggests that the breed originated three centuries later, some time in the 19th century, after French settlers introduced the Beauceron to the North American continent. The French told of strange-looking dogs with haunting glass eyes that were used by the Indians to hunt game in the swamp., and the theory states that the Beauceron and the Red Wolf/war dog were interbred to produce the Catahoula.
There are two theories regarding the origin of the word 'Catahoula.' One theory is that the word is a combination of two Choctaw words 'okhata', meaning lake, and 'hullo', meaning beloved. Another possibility is that the word is a French transformation of the Choctaw Indian word for their own nation, 'Couthaougoula' pronounced 'Coot-ha-oo-goo-la'.(Don Abney)
In 1979, Governor Edwin Edwards signed a bill making the Catahoula the official state dog of Louisiana in recognition of their importance in the history of the region.
Personality Catahoulas are highly intelligent and energetic. They are assertive but not aggressive by nature. Catahoulas in general are very even tempered. Males tend to be more obnoxious than females, but Catahoulas are very serious about their job if they are working dogs. They make a good family dog but will not tolerate being isolated, so interaction with the dog is a daily requirement. When a Catahoula is raised with children, the dog believes that it is his or her responsibility to look after and protect those children. Many owners will say that the Catahoula owns them and they can be insistent when it's time to eat or do other activities. Catahoulas are protective and a natural alarm dog. They will alert one to anything out of the ordinary.

Care Requirements

Health Deafness;
Deafness is one of the major genetic flaws in Catahoulas and associated with individuals that are excessively white in colour and deafness attributed to a lack of melanocytes. A Catahoula that is predominantly white has an 80% chance of being bi-laterally deaf or uni-laterally hearing. Hearing in one ear is referred to as "directional deafness". Breeders are often unwilling to allow deaf Catahoulas to leave their premises and will generally euthanize deaf pups (there are groups setting out to rescue deaf pups).
Hip dysplasia;
A concern with many breeds, hip dysplasia is dependent on the gene pool and good breeders. The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals and PennHIP can help determine whether a specific individual is prone to hip dysplasia through radiographs. Catahoulas are no more apt to have this orthopedic problem than other breeds.
Grooming This dog does not require a large amount of grooming. Their smooth short-haired coat is easy to look after. Owners will simply want to make sure the coat is brushed on a consistent basis. These dogs should only be given baths when they need it. A wipe down with a damp towel should suffice for the bathing aspect, (although you should bathe it with mild soap only if or when necessary; you should also dry shampoo it occasionally), however a rubber, wire, or hard bristled brush would work best for the brushing aspect. The shedding patterns of these dogs are not known. Be sure to check the ears carefully for signs of infection. The nails should also be trimmed, (particularly to avoid nail-born infections).
Exercise This is a hunting dog that needs extensive amounts of exercise. Without it, the dog could become problematic for its owners. It should be taken on walks daily, and this dog is great for healthy people who love to jog and hike.
Other Considerations While it can live in an apartment, it may perform better in a small yard. It is important for owners to make sure this dog is never unleashed in an unsecured area, as it may run off in the direction of the first interesting scent it picks up. It is important for owners to make sure these dogs are given lots of space to move around in.
Catahoula lines;
There are three versions of the Catahoula Cur:
The Wright line: The Wright Line was the largest line of Catahoulas at 90 to 110 pounds (40 to 50 kg) and was developed by Mr. Preston Wright. This line represented dogs originally produced from Hernando de Soto's dogs.
The Fairbanks line: The Fairbanks line was the next in size at 65 to 75 pounds (30 to 35 kg) and were developed by Mr. Lovie Fairbanks. They were brindle to yellow in color.
The McMillin line: The McMillin line was known to be Blue Catahoulas with glass eyes the smallest in size at 50 to 60 pounds (about 25 kg) and were developed by Mr. T. A. McMillin of Sandy Lake, Louisiana. These were Blue Catahoula dogs with glass eyes.
These three lines were crossed back and forth and created the variations of Catahoulas seen today.
Notable references to Catahoulas in history and pop culture;
During the early 1900s, Teddy Roosevelt used the Catahoula when hunting.
Jim Bowie and his brother Rezin Bowie, who spent much of their youth in Catahoula Parish are reported to have owned a pair of Catahoulas. They were said to sleep with a Catahoula at their feet.
Louisiana Governor Earl K. Long had an interest in the breed and collected them. This interest was recognized by an annual competition known as Uncle Earl's Hog Dog Trials.
In 2007, the Catahoula was voted to be the school mascot for Centenary College of Louisiana.
In the television series Veronica Mars, episode 15 titled "Ruskie Business", Veronica needs to track down a Catahoula leopard dog named "Steve" to find his owner, so she can bring the owner back together with his runaway bride.
In The Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris, Sookie Stackhouse's friend Terry Bellefleur has had a series of Catahoulas as his prized pets.
The Bellamy Brothers included the Cajun-influenced song Catahoula on their 1997 album Over the Line. The song has also been released as a music video.
In the novel Cry Wolf by Tami Hoag (copyright 1993), the lead male character Jack Boudreaux is purported to be the owner of a Catahoula named Huey.
In Adam Johnson's novel, The Orphan Master's Son (2012), the protagonist is presented with a Catahoula puppy, which he sends to a prominent North Korean film star. The dog serves an important role in the story, and its breed's behavioral traits are featured in its interactions with the human characters.
Actor Sylvester Stallone is the proud owner of a Catahoula named "Spooky"
In Bones, Season 8, episode 21 "The Maiden in the Mushrooms", the murder of a court TV show producer was over a "leopard dog", or Catahoula.
In the Discovery Channel TV show, Alaska: The Last Frontier, Eivin and Eve Kiltcher own a Catahoula.
In the "No Looking Back" CD, Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown performs the song "Alligator Eating Dog" about a Catahoula Hound. The song was written by John Loudermilk.
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