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Zeeland Horse

Zeeland Horse

Country Of Origin Netherlands
History and Background Zeeuwse Trekpaard, or Zeeland Horses are an old Dutch Breed that was influential in the development of the Belgian and Dutch draft animals.
Dutch and Belgian carriage horses are very similar animals and their registries will often take animals from the other country. It is thought that breeding of the Zeeland horse began early in the 17th century. Initially they were developed not only as a carriage horse, but as a robust workhorse for wartime, agriculture and mining. In fact, a large portion of the Dutch economy depended on the strength of these animals. They were highly prized animals well into the 20th century when mechanical transport became more effective. After the second world war, Zeeland horses became more of a pleasure, carriage animal.
Use Today Competition, Carriage horse, Dressage horse, Agriculture
Height 15-16 hands (60 - 64 inches)
Colour Black, Bay, Fox, Roan
Characteristics Interestingly enough traditionally tails were docked at the tailbone, giving them a super-robust look. This was done for both superstitious reasons (people believed that a long tail took strength from the horse’s back) and for practical reasons as carriage horses. Thankfully, since 2001 docking tails is against the law in the Netherlands.
For such a large horse, the Zeeland has an energetic step and strong gaits. They are the only pulling horse breed in the Netherlands – sadly they are low in numbers.
Head is small (especially considering their robust body).
Legs are short with heavy feathers.
Personality and Temperament Can be stubborn due to their size
Generally sensitive and responsive
Calm and enduring
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