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Ojos Azules
Origin And History | Cats with dark blue eyes were discovered in New Mexico among feral cat populations. The first cat, discovered in 1984, was a tortoiseshell named Cornflower. She was bred to males without the trait, which proved to be dominant, as all her kittens showed it. The breed was founded and named Ojos Azules, Spanish meaning 'Blue Eyes'. Ojos Azules are a very rare breed. In 1992, only ten were known. The breed, in both short and long hair variety, was accepted for registration by TICA in 1991. The TICA Ojos Azules Breed Group Standard is dated 5 January 2004. Only cats expressing the deep blue eye gene have been called Ojos Azules. It was recently discovered that cranial defects may be linked to the gene, and breeding was temporarily suspended. |
Personality | When it comes to entering a new home, the Ojos Azules Cat does not need much time to adjust. It should begin to act normal within a few days after a move, or when you first bring it to your home. This cat breed will take the time to meet new people. Owners should expect it to join in the company whenever they have a visitor. The Ojos Azules Cat really enjoys interacting with its owners. Owners of this cat should expect to spend time with it almost daily. Bringing the Ojos Azules Cat to a home with children will bring the animal great joy. This cat loves children and their playful actions! Their owners that also have dogs can expect to see it interacting well with the dogs. The Ojos Azules Cat really loves dogs. The Ojos Azules Cat really enjoys snuggling and showing affection. Owners get plenty of love from this cat. This cat breed loves to play so much that it will often wake its owner up, at the start of each day, for playtime. The Ojos Azules Cat is a high energy cat breed that loves to run around and have fun. This cat breed does not make bad decisions very often. This is because they are slightly more intelligent than other cat breeds. |
Physical Attributes
Appearance | The medium-sized Ojos Azules is known for its bluish eyes, which are large and round. The neck is arched. The tail is proportionate to the cat's body. The head is somewhat triangular in inscribe. It has a slightly rounded forehead, and an angular muzzle. The nose has a slight break. The coat is short, fine, soft, silky, and shiny. The undercoat is not particularly developed but most are dense in colour. All colours are allowed. White markings are common on most extremities (tip of the tail, muzzle, and paws). However, belly spots or chest spots are not acceptable, and are considered faults. Parti-colours have a white tail tip. Solid white coats are not desirable, as they cannot be distinguished from common white, blue-eyed cats. Note that white, blue-eyed Ojos Azules are not deaf like most common white, blue-eyed cats. In addition, other than cats of the Ojos Azules breed, only white or colourpoint cats can have blue eyes. |
Health | The owners of this breed should be prepared for additional costs because health problems are very common in the Ojos Azules Cat as it ages. Health problems are likely for this cat breed. Very few owners have said that their Ojos Azules Cat had not had at least one health issue as it grew older. Health problems do not occur all that frequently for the Ojos Azules Cat breed, but vets have reported that they do occur more than for some other breeds. Owners should not expect many problems with their Ojos Azules Cat. This is a cat breed that does not have health issues very often. Health issues do not occur very often in this cat breed. Owners are very pleased with how healthy, their Ojos Azules Cat is. While many cat breeds do have some mild health issues, common ones for the Ojos Azules Cat breed are Eye Problems, Fleas, and Tapeworms. People with cat allergies, are taking a risk by being in contact with Ojos Azules Cat breed. It may cause an allergic reaction. |