katzpetmapz is a global one-stop directory of service providers for pet & domesticated species. We have Veterinarians, Groomers, Pet Walkers, Trainers, Insurance, Retail, Dog Parks, Horse trails, Pet Sitters, Kennels and MUCH more… We are adding more providers to our database daily, If you don’t find what you are looking for, you can add it for free; by clicking the “Add listing” button on top. Thank you & enjoy petmapz, Dr. Katz

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We have thousands of active users & pet owners on all continents! They contribute 20,000+ site visits a month, if you have a pet-related business, there is no better place or time to list, and the basic listing is always FREE.

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SPCA Abbotsford Branch
34312 Industrial Way, Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M6, Canada distance: 68 Kilometers
Aldergrove Regional Park
687-727 Lefeuvre Road, Abbotsford, BC V4X 1A5, Canada distance: 57 Kilometers
Centennial Park
7918 Taulbut Street, Mission, BC V2V 3W7, Canada distance: 61 Kilometers

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