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Abondance cattle
Afrikaner cattle
American cattle
American Milking Devon
Amerifax cattle
Amrit Mahal cattle
Angus cattle
Ankole-Watusi cattle
Arouquesa cattle
Asturian Mountain cattle
Asturian Valley cattle
Aubrac cattle
Aure et Saint-Girons cattle
Australian Braford cattle
Ayrshire cattle
Barzona cattle
Bazadais cattle
Beef Shorthorn cattle
Beefalo cattle
Beefmaster cattle
Belgian Blue Cattle
Belgian Red cattle
Belted Galloway cattle
Blonde d’Aquitaine cattle
Boran cattle
Braford cattle
Brahman cattle
Brangus cattle
Braunvieh/Brown Swiss cattle
British White cattle
BueLingo cattle
Buša cattle
Cachena cattle
Camargue cattle
Canadian Speckle Park
Canadienne cattle
Canchim cattle
Charolais cattle
Chianina cattle
Chillingham cattle
Chinese Mongolian cattle
Corriente cattle
Corsican cattle
Dangi cattle
Deoni cattle
Dexter cattle
Droughtmaster cattle
Dutch Belted cattle
Enderby Island cattle
English Longhorn cattle
Ennstal Mountain Pied cattle
Estonian Red cattle
Évolène cattle
Fighting cattle
Fjäll cattle
Fleckvieh cattle
Florida Cracker cattle
French Simmental cattle
Friesian cattle
Galician Blond cattle
Galloway cattle
Gascon cattle
Gelbvieh cattle
German Angus cattle
Gir/ Gyr cattle
Girolando cattle
Glan cattle
Gloucester cattle
Greek Shorthorn cattle
Greyman cattle
Guernsey cattle
Guzerat cattle / Kankrej cattle
Hallikar cattle
Hariana Cattle
Hartón cattle
Harzer Rotvieh cattle
Hays Converter cattle
Hereford cattle
Herens cattle
Highland cattle
Hinterwald cattle
Holstein-Friesian cattle
Hungarian Grey cattle
Icelandic cattle
Illawarra cattle
Irish Moiled cattle
Israeli Holstein cattle
Istoben cattle
Jamaica Hope cattle
Javari Cattle
Jersey cattle
Jutland cattle
Kalmyk cattle
Kangayam cattle
Karan Swiss cattle
Kenwariya cattle
Kerry cattle
Khillari cattle