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American English Coonhound

Breed Characteristics

Compatibility With Children
Trainability (Learning Rate)
Energy Level
Exercise Requirements
Compatibility With Other Pets

1 paw - breed exhibits the least amount of this characteristic
5 paws - breed exhibits most amount of this characteristic


American English Coonhound

Other Names English Coonhound, Redtick Coonhound
Country of Origin United States
Weight 40 - 65 lbs (18 - 30 kg)
Height (at withers) The weight of a Coonhound should be in proportion to the dog's height. (40 -65 pounds) (18 - 30 kg)
Coat The coat itself is short to medium in length and hard to the touch.
Colour Colouration can be redtick, bluetick, tricolored and tricolored with ticking. However, red markings are predominant and "Redtick" is a common euphemism for English Coonhounds. Some people believe this lack of emphasis on specific colouration has allowed breeders to focus breeding programs on traits such as intelligence and hunting ability rather than superficial concerns like coat standards. Colour variations are common even amongst pups from the same litter of English coonhounds, indicating high levels of DNA diversity in the breed.
Litter Size Litter size is generally eight puppies.
Life Span 11-12 years
Origin & History It has been said that the history of the English Coonhound is the history of all coonhounds. With the exception of the Plott Hound, most coonhounds can be traced back to the English Foxhound. In 1905 the English Coonhound was first registered by UKC under the name of English Fox & Coonhound. Back then they were used for fox hunting much more than they are today. The name reflected the similarity that the breed had to the American Foxhound and the English foxhound. While the Redbone and Black and Tan were given separate breed status, all other treeing coonhounds were called English after the turn of the century. These included both the Treeing Walker Coonhound and the Bluetick Coonhound. They were considered all the same breed. It was the variation in color which separated them. The heavily ticked dogs split off from the English, and the Bluetick Coonhound was recognized as a separate breed in 1945. In 1946 the tricolored hounds separated into the breed called Treeing Walker Coonhounds. Though red-ticked dogs predominate, to this day there are still tricolored and blue-ticked English hounds. The English Coonhound was bred to adapt to the rougher American climate and terrain. An English named "Bones," owned by Colonel Leon Robinson, won one of the first National Coonhound Championships. The breed is still used by practical hunters and competitive hound owners throughout the USA.
Personality English Coonhounds tend to be quiet in the house, and require regular exercise to keep in prime condition. English Coonhounds love to nest and usually make good house pets. They have a high prey drive, and will go after small animals unless trained otherwise. Because of this, they are not usually not recommended for households with small pets unless they have been raised around small animals. They are generally good with children and tend to be very loyal dogs that feel the need to please their owners. Like most puppies they can be quite inquisitive and destructive therefore needed training early on is highly recommended.
Like all coonhounds, English are generally good natured and very sociable dogs. Skittishness or aggression is considered a defect according to UKC breed standards. They are strong willed, if not stubborn, and require more patience in training than other breeds. Young dogs are usually extremely active and playful and desirous of human attention in addition to requiring plenty of exercise. English Coonhounds are incessant nesters and should be avoided by people who do not wish to have dogs on couches and beds. They make excellent family pets as they have been bred for hunting purposes to coexist amiably within a pack. English Coonhounds also make adequate watch dogs as they possess extremely loud hound mouths characterized by melodious, drawn out bawls and short, explosive chops.
The breed has proven popular with night hunters, and have a powerful nose which enables them to track of both small and large game including, raccoons, cougars and bears. One of the types of hunting that the breed is used for treeing, where the dogs are used to force animals that naturally climb up into trees, where they can be shot by hunters.
While known for their ability in this type of hunting, they can lose their ability to pace themselves and on occasion can stand their ground when they believe that they have chased their prey up a tree, even if they haven't. They can have a one track mind while hunting, and tune everything else out. Against cougars and bears they can keep the larger game in position while the hunters arrive. They have become the favored breed in coon hunting. They have a tendency to bark when caged.

Care Requirements

Health English Coonhounds can be prone to overheating while on coon hunts during the summer months in the Southern United States.
Grooming The short, hard coat is easy to care for. Comb and brush with a firm bristle brush, and shampoo only when necessary. This breed is an average shedder.
Exercise English Coonhounds need extensive daily running to be happy. They need to be taken on a daily, long, brisk walk or jog where the dog is made to heel beside or behind the human holding the lead, as in a dog's mind, the leader leads the way. They can become high strung and/or destructive if they are lacking in exercise and/or structure. They may take off after any interesting scent, so do not take the English Coonhound off its leash unless you are in a safe area.
Other Considerations These dogs are not recommended for apartment life. They are very active indoors and do best with acreage.
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