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Arravani Horse

Arravani Horse

Country Of Origin Greece
History and Background The Arravani is a Greek horse that is as tough as it is elegant. Sadly they are in danger of extinction, with only about 200-300 of them are left in the world today.
The breed has been influenced by a wide variety of outside blood, but originated in 1000 BC by crossing Dorian ponies and Thessalian horses from southern Greece. Almost a millennia later, Roman animals lent their bloodlines to the Arravani. The resulting animal was a tough, surefooted workhorse with great character.
During the Turkish occupation, Arabian blood also contributed to the Arravani breed, adding refinement and elegance to an already hardy animal.
For thousands of years the breed has been used by local farmers as agriculture workers and for transporting loads over stony mountain paths. Their calm nature reflects their lifestyle high in the mountains, where there is no place for a panicked animal to run.
Greece is largely rural, however the introduction of motorized vehicles saw a decline in need for horseflesh. This caused a decline in numbers, which was further exacerbated by a number of animals being sold off and exported to Italy for meat. Today this hardy animal faces extinction and are rarely even found in their native country.
Use Today Agriculture work, Pleasure horse, Racing horse
Height 12.3 – 14.6 hands
Colour Bay, Black
Characteristics Small, finely cut head with large eyes
Highly set, strong neck
Straight lines and short back
Hooves are hard and small
Personality and Temperament Calm nature
Durable and persistent
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