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Common Tegu

Common Tegu

Place of Origin and Range The Tegu is a lizard which belongs to the family Teiidae, and contains seven described species. They are primarily found in South America, although they also occur in Panama.
Description These opportunistic, wide-ranging lizards can be found in a variety of habitats, from swamp to rainforest to savannah and cities. Although terrestrial, they are capable swimmers, able to remain submerged for up to 22 minutes and having even been caught in gill nets set at sea.
Morph Patterns Available Yes
Adult Size Can grow up to 1.23 m (4.0 ft)
Accommodation Its native habitat is rainforest trees and cliffs, and it also frequently adapts to rural human habitations, roaming walls and ceilings at night in search of insect prey. Most prefer warm habitat with lots of shade and hides. A large enclosure for an active lizard such as this. Low humidity and lots of branches/rocks for climbing. Provide a small water dish and mist twice daily. Cover the sides of the cage when possible to prevent injury to tegu when running into glass.
Lifespan Can live 20+ years
Feeding / Diet Tegus are omnivorous, foraging for a wide range of foods using their forked tongues, including fruit, fungi, various arthropods, small vertebrates, carrion, and eggs.
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