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Comoro Island Day Gecko

Comoro Island Day Gecko

Place of Origin and Range This subspecies only inhabits the island Anjouan in the Comoros.
Description The body colour is bright green. There is a red v-shaped stripe on the snout and a red barring between the eyes. On the back there are a number of tiny red-brick coloured spots and reticulations. On the throat, there is a faint v-shaped marking. The ventral side is greyish.
Morph Patterns Available Yes
Adult Size Can grow from 15–22 cm (6–9 in)
Accommodation A minimum of two hides, a warm one and a cooler one, using their hides to "stalk" or wait for dinner. A day basking lamp(basking spot 80'F(27'C)or some snake owners prefer under tank heating. Also you want to include a bathing dish big enough for your lizard to climb in without overflowing. To improve shedding. 2 ft x 2 ft x 4 ft terrarium for an adult. Cover the sides of the cage when possible to prevent injury to your gecko from running into glass.
Lifespan Can live 2- 8 years
Feeding / Diet In captivity, these animals can be fed with crickets, wax worms (wax moth larva), fruit flies, maggots, meal worms and houseflies.
Breeding The females lay up to 5 pairs of eggs. At a temperature of 28°C, the young will hatch after approximately 40–45 days. The juveniles measure 55–60 mm. They should be kept separately since even the juveniles can be quite quarrelsome. Sexual maturity is reached after 10–12 months.
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