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Elongated Tortoise

Elongated Tortoise

Place of Origin and Range The Elongated Tortoise is a species of tortoise found in Southeast Asia and parts of South Asia.
Description Shell considerably depressed, more than twice as long as deep, with flat vertebral region; anterior and posterior margins slightly reverted, strongly serrated in young, feebly in old specimens; shields concentrically striated, except in old specimens; nuchal present (rarely absent), narrow and elongate; supracaudal undivided, more or less incurved; first vertebral usually nearly as long as broad in the adult, the others broader than long and nearly as broad as the costals. Plastron large, truncate anteriorly, deeply notched posteriorly; suture between the pectoral shields as long as or longer than that between the humerals; suture between the gulars as long as or a little shorter than that between the pectorals; anals forming a very short suture, or entirely separated by the anal notch; axillary and inguinal moderate. Head moderate; a pair of large praefrontal shields, usually followed by a nearly equally large frontal; beak feebly hooked, tricuspid; alveolar ridge of upper jaw short and rather feeble. Anterior face of fore limbs with moderate, unequal-sized, imbricate scales, which are largest towards the outer side; no enlarged tubercles on the thighs; tail ending in a claw-like horny tubercle. Carapace and plastron greenish yellow, each shield with an irregular black spot or blotch, which may occupy its greater portion, or may be much broken up or indistinct.
Morph Patterns Available Yes
Adult Size Can grow up to 10 in(25 cm)
Accommodation They require large enclosures, temperatures above 60 °F (16 °C), and bedding composed of grasses or grass-based hay. Due to their high dietary fibre needs, grasses form a minimum of 75% of their food intake. Including large amounts of clean, fresh water.
Lifespan Can live 10+ years
Feeding / Diet Diet consists mainly of romaine lettuce, greens(dandelion, turnip, mustard and collard), fruit or tortoise chow. The food should occasionally be supplemented with calcium D3 and additives.
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