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Garrano horse

Garrano horse

Country Of Origin Portugal
History and Background The Garrano is an endangered breed of horse from Galicia and northern Portugal, mainly used as a pack horse, for riding, and for light farm work. An ancient breed, the Garrano has remained largely unchanged for thousands of years but is in decline due to predation and loss of interest in breeding for agricultural use.
The horse is believed to be an ancient breed, with Northern Iberian Paleolithic cave paintings depicting horses with similar profiles. The similarities between the breed and the depicted animals lead to the conclusion that the breed's appearance has remained stable. There is genetic evidence that the horse originates in Celtic regions, with additional research suggesting the later introduction of males for breeding from north Europe. Through cross-breeding with the Andalusians brought over by the Spanish conquistadors and the local Sorraia horse, they produced the Galica Mountain Pony. In the 20th century, the breed was infused with Arab blood.
The breed's numbers have been depleted by wolf predation, as they are a preferred prey. They have also declined as they have become less attractive for agricultural work, as a result of which they have been crossbred with other species for meat. As of 2010, the population of Garrano was estimated at approximately 2,000, with a sex ratio of one stallion to 13 mares.
Use Today Pack animal, Riding horse, Light agricultural work
Height 12.2 and 15 hands (50 and 60 inches, 127 and 152 cm) high
Colour Bay, Brown, Grey
Characteristics The Garrano is small in size. It comes in shades of gray, bay and brown. Its head is handsome with slightly dipped outline. Its eyes are vibrant, and its ears are active. The neck is lean and well-formed; the withers are smooth. Its back is horizontal and the croup is slightly curved; the abdomen is regular; the shoulder is broad while the tail is stumpy. The legs are sturdy and the joints are wide, while its feet are well-developed and hard.
Personality and Temperament This animal is very dedicated to its work. They are considered to be one of strongest horse breeds and can survive in unfavorable conditions. Despite its small size, it is quite dependable. Typically, these horses are pack animals that can carry heavy objects twice their weight.
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