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Graceful Chameleon

Graceful Chameleon

Place of Origin and Range The Graceful chameleon inhabits much of sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal in the west to Angola in the south and Ethiopia in the east. It mostly lives in forests, though it tolerates bushy areas near plantations and savannah.
Description It is often green, yellow, or brown, with a green stripe on its side.
Morph Patterns Available Yes
Adult Size Can grow up 15 in(37.5 cm)
Accommodation This chameleon lives in a number of habitat types in its native range, including plateaus, mountains, and valleys. Like other chameleons, it is arboreal, living in trees and other large plants. It prefers warmer temperatures, generally between 75° to 95°F (24° to 35°C). Also you want to include a bathing dish big enough for your to climb in without overflowing. To improve shedding. 2 ft x 2 ft x 4 ft terrarium for an adult.
Lifespan Can live 1 - 3.5 years
Feeding / Diet Eats a variety of tiny insects., foraging along the forest floor. Searching for prey with its independently moving, protruding eyes and catching insects with its long, sticky tongue.
Breeding It breeds twice per year, once in the dry season and again at the end of the wet season. 20 to 50 eggs are laid per clutch
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