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Harzer Rotvieh cattle

Harzer Rotvieh cattle

Place of Origin Germany
Origin This cattle breed stemmed from the red cattle breeds of South and Middle Germany and traced probably back to unicoloured red Germanic-Celtic Cattle. Out of them a local cattle breed developed under the tough conditions of the Harz mountain range.
In the 1950s this cattle breed was crossed with Danish Red bulls to increase milk yields. Later they crossed in Angeln cattle. Since 1980 the Harzer Rotvieh has been only a variety of the Angeln breed.
In the middle of the 1980s they took remaining animals of the old Harzer Rotvieh (that were already mixed) to synthesize a new population of "Red Cattle, breeding type upland cattle", the Rotes Höhenvieh.
Purpose They serve the purposes of providing milk, beef and draught power.
Appearance The name means "red cattle of the Harz".
Horns Medium length upward curved horns
Other Considerations The Harzer Rotvieh is bred on only a few farms.
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