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Masai cattle

Masai cattle

Place of Origin Kenya and Tanzania
Origin The life of the Masai tribe of Kenya and Tanzania revolve around cattle. Virtually all social roles and status derive from the relationship of individuals to their cattle. Cow's milk, together with blood, is the staple food of the Masai who eat no fruit or grain. Once a month, blood is taken from living animals by shooting a small arrow into the neck. This blood is then mixed with milk in a gourd which has been washed with urine to prevent spoilage.
Masai cattle vary considerable due to the centuries old practice of stealing cattle from neighboring tribes. This is sanctioned by the Masai legend with relates that Ngai (God) sent them cattle at the beginning of time and gave them the sole right to keep them. Compared with cattle belonging to the surrounding tribes, Masai cattle are the largest and in the best condition. This is due largely to the generous amount of milk the young calves get. As a rule, the Masai have so many cattle that only a portion of the milk is needed for human consumption and there is plenty left for the calves.
Purpose Meat, Dairy and Draught (work)
Appearance Females stand 125 cm tall, while bulls are 140 cm at the withers. The breed has a characteristically small narrow head. The dewlap is quite large, the chest is relatively deep and the whole body is well muscled. Colouration varies although the Masai favor brindled animals
Horns Medium horns
Cows Average Weight 340 kg (750 lbs.)
Bulls Average Weight 400 kg (882 lbs.)
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