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Oberlander Horse

Oberlander Horse

Country Of Origin Germany
History and Background The Oberlander Horse comes from the South German state of Bavaria and are distinct in their large size and often flaxen locks. This breed comes originally from war horses of the Roman Empire, but were eventually almost bred out by the end of the 15th century. They share ties with the Noriker, Pinzgauer and Sueddeutsched Coldblooded breeds.
The first stud farm was established in 1769 where the best of native stock was crossed with heavy animals from neighboring countries. The Oberlander breed arose from a foundation stock that included Belgian, Clydesdale, Norfolk, Cleveland Bay, Friesian, Norman and Oldenburger animals.
Cross breeding ended in 1900 and the stud book was closed to outside blood. At that point breeding was carefully monitored to fix desired traits within the breed. Today the government owns a herd of certified animals to preserve and continue each family of these old bloodlines.
Use Today Driving horse, Show horse, Riding horse, Hunting, Pack animal and Cattle horse
Height 15.1 and 16 hands (61 and 64 inches, 155 and 163 cm)
Colour Chestnut with flaxen mane and tail, Bay, Appaloosa
Characteristics Head is noble and of draft-type, the legs are correct and clean cut and the hooves are hard.
Personality and Temperament Uncomplicated, social, kind, calm and agreeable.
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