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Painted Desert sheep

Painted Desert sheep

Place of Origin United States
Origin The Painted Desert Sheep is a spotted hair sheep that received most of its influence from the Mouflon. Before being established as a separate breed, it was considered by many to be a parti-coloured Corsican. Other early influence came from Merino and Rambouillet, and a few four-horned individuals stem from Jacob or Churro ancestry. Long desired by hunters because of the large horns and aesthetic, flashy looks, the Painted Desert is now popular among exotic and alternative livestock fanciers.

Purpose Fiber, Exotic
Characteristics These sheep shed their short winter wool naturally each spring, leaving a glossy, slick coat. Colours can be very wild with mixes of up to four or five colours. They breed out of season and lamb twice a year, with twins and even triplets occurring often. They produce a carcass of lean meat without a mutton taste. Rams must show Mouflon influence by sporting a luxurious mane in addition to large, heavy horns of homonymous, supracervical or polycerate types. Some ewes may be horned.
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