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Racka sheep

Racka sheep

Place of Origin Hungary
Origin Originating in Hungary, the Racka has existed since at least the 1800, when the first registry was established. It is a hardy, multi-purpose breed used for milking, wool and meat. Their wool is long and coarse, and appears in two general types: a cream wool with light brown faces and legs, and a black variation. The breed's unique appearance and quiet disposition would make it a desirable animal for hobby situations.
Purpose Milk, Meat, Fiber
Characteristics This breed is unique with both sexes possessing long spiral shaped horns. The cork-screw horns protrude almost straight upward from the top of the head. These unique appendages are unlike any other domestic sheep horns, and may grow up to 2.0 ft (0.61 m) long. The minimum acceptable mature body weight for ewes is 40 kg (88 lb) and for rams 60 kg (130 lb). The rams' average 72 cm (28 in) in height. The minimum acceptable mature body weight for ewes is 40 kg (88 lb) and for rams 60 kg (130 lb). The rams' average 72 cm (28 in) in height.

There are two major colour patterns with the Racka. The most common colour is brown wool covering the heads and legs with the fiber varying in color from dark brown to light brown and white. Individuals can also be solid black. The wool tips on the black-colored sheep fades to a reddish black with exposure to sunlight and as they get older, the points of the fiber turns gray. The fiber diameter varies within this breed and generally is found to be 12 to 40 micrometres with a yield of 38% to 65%. Staple length is approximately 30 cm (12 in). Fleece weight must be at least 3 kg (6.6 lb) for rams. The softness and crimp of the wool would indicate its interest with hand spinners.
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