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Rideau Arcott sheep

Rideau Arcott sheep

Place of Origin Canada
Origin The Rideau Arcott is a breed of domestic sheep native to Canada. One of only a few livestock breeds native to the country, the Rideau name is a common one in Ottawa. The latter half of its name is an acronym for the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa where it was developed along with the Canadian Arcott.

One of only a few livestock breeds developed in Canada, the Rideau is a synthesis of many different breeds, but it primarily the product of Finnsheep, Suffolk, East Friesian, Shropshire, and Dorset Horn. The research flock was closed in 1974, and the breed was distributed to shepherds beginning in 1988. The Rideau Arcott today is a maternal breed, with twins and triplets the norm. Crossbreeding with Rideau rams is said to quickly increase lambing rates to 180 percent or more.
Purpose Meat
Characteristics The Rideau Arcott is a large sheep with a rapid growth rate. it is generally white, but some animals have slightly coloured legs. The face is white and free of wool, but a few dark patches sometimes occur. This breed is naturally polled but some rams may develop horny protuberances. Rams weigh up to 100 kilograms (220 lb) and ewes range between 70 and 90 kilograms (150 and 200 lb). The breed is primarily kept for meat, but does also produce a medium-quality fleece.

This breed is very prolific. Lambing can occur at intervals of eight months and ewe lambs can be put to the tup at seven months to lamb for the first time at a year old. These ewe lambs have a lambing rate of 170 percent, and mature ewes produce 40 percent twins and 50 percent triplets.
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