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Rough Fell sheep

Rough Fell sheep

Place of Origin United Kingdom
Origin The Rough Fell is an upland breed of sheep, originating in England. It is common on fell and moorland farms, its distribution embracing a large proportion of South Cumbria, parts of the West Riding of Yorkshire, North Lancashire and, more recently, upland parts of Devon. It is very hardy and, as its name suggests, has proved to be well-suited to endure the hardships of exposed and high moorland and mountains. It is one of the largest mountain breeds in Britain. This breed is raised primarily for meat.
Purpose Meat
Characteristics The hardy constitution enables a ewe to mother and rear her lambs whilst feeding mainly on the poor upland grasses and heathers found on her native moorland. Because of the type of fleece, the breed requires no housing, even in the most inclement weather.

Rough Fell sheep can be recognized for the broad white patch across their black faces, and both rams and ewes are horned. They are mostly used by farmers on their native fell farms for pure breeding, but many are used for crossing with other breeds, contributing their hardiness and adaptation to upland conditions.

Mature ewes weighs 50 kg (110 lbs) on average and rams 80 kg (176 lbs).
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