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San Fratello horse

San Fratello horse

Country Of Origin Italy
History and Background The San Fratellano comes from San Fratello, in the Nebrodi mountains in the province of Messina in Sicily. The horses developed and were bred in a native habitat that resulted in a strong, powerful type known for their endurance.
A Lombard princess, Adelaide del Vasto, married Roger I of Sicily, a Norman noble, in the 11th century AD. Sicily was ruled by Norman warlords at the time, and Princess Adelaide del Vasto brought to Sicily her retinue, including a number of knights and their horses. To this day the people of San Fratello speak a Lombard dialect, different from the Sicilian language of surrounding areas. The San Fratellano horse is said to have descended from the horses of the Lombard knights.
The breed has received infusions of Anglo-Arab, Spanish Anglo-Arab, Salerno and Nonius blood, and has remained quite true to type. It resembles its fellow Italian breed, the Maremmano. Breeding stock is carefully selected for propagation, and most colts are trained young as pack horses.
Use Today Work horse, Riding horse, Meat production, Military
Height 15 and 16 hands (60 and 64 inches, 152 and 163 cm)
Weight 1,100 and 1,300 pounds (500 and 590 kg)
Colour Black or bay.
Characteristics They are muscular, well-built horses that are hardy and easy to care for.
Personality and Temperament Sensitive and kind
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