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Silver Marten rabbit

Breed Characteristics

Pet Suitability

1 paw - breed exhibits the least amount of this characteristic
5 paws - breed exhibits most amount of this characteristic


Silver Marten rabbit

Origin Early breeders of Chinchilla rabbits, a breed listed as critical on the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy Conservation Priority List, attempted to improve Chinchilla rabbits' color and pattern by introducing black and tan bloodlines. These genes later manifested as black "sports" described as "strange little black rabbits" as well as similar silver rabbits among standard Chinchilla rabbit litters. These oddities bred true and were named as a separate breed, the "Silver Marten", in 1924.
In 1927, a working standard for black and chocolate varieties was established by the American Rabbit Breeders' Association and the first Silver Marten Club was chartered. A blue variety of this breed was accepted in 1933. The sable variety, the last to be approved, was accepted in 1993.

Physical Attributes

Weight 6 - 9 lbs. (2.7 - 4.1 kg)
Ear Type Erect
Fur Type Flyback
Colours In this breed, the top colour can be black, blue, chocolate, or sable, which is beautiful shaded sepia. The markings consist of a white belly, chin, underside-of-tail, inside-of-ears, nostril markings, and eye circles. Silver Martens should also have some “silvering” or white ticking up the lower sides of the rabbit, edging the belly marking. This is simply a result of the Marten marking pattern, and not to be confused with true silvering found in the Silver or Silver Fox breeds.
Appearance Body is medium-sized and well-rounded, ears long and erect.
Other Considerations Life Expectancy: 5 - 8 years
Temperament: Alert, quiet but flighty if spooked.
Best Kept In Pen. Cage or Yard.
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