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Tersk Horse

Tersk Horse

Country Of Origin Russia
History and Background The Tersk was first developed in the 1920s and 1940s at the Tersk and Stavropol Studs in the Northern Caucasus mountains in Russia. Marshal S. M. Budyonny (who the Budyonny breed is named after) had great input on the breed.
The Tersk was formed mainly from the Strelets Arabians, bred at the Strelets stud in Ukraine and virtually extinct by the 1920s. The Strelets was produced by crossing pure Arabians with high-quality Orlov Trotters and Anglo-Arabians. A little Thoroughbred blood was also added. The resulting horse had an Arabian look, but was larger than the pure-breds. The remaining Strelets, including the two stallions Tsenitel and Tsilindr, were taken to the Tersk Stud in an attempt to increase their numbers. At the stud, the stallions were mated with Arabian, Don, Strelets, Kabarda, and various cross-bred mares, including Strelets x Kabardin and Arabian x Don. Early crosses produced a successful Arabian-type horse. It was further improved by three Arabian stallions: Marosh, Nasim, and Koheilan. The Tersk has also been continually improved by Kabardin, Thoroughbred, Arabian, and Russian Don blood. By 1948, the breed was officially recognized.
The horses are known for their endurance, demonstrated when several horses were entered in a 192-mile ride and every Tersk finished in good time and shape, and so are good for endurance riding. The Tersk's graceful Arabian stride makes them good for dressage, and their bold nature and athleticism suits them for show jumping. They are also very fast, and frequently raced against Arabians.
Use Today Riding horse, Endurance mount, Show horse, Eventing horse
Height 14.3 – 15.1 hands (57.2 - 60.4 inches)
Colour The horses are almost always grey or "white" with a silvery sheen, although there is the occasional chestnut or bay
Characteristics The Tersk has a refined head with large, expressive eyes, and medium-length ears. The neck is muscular and high-set. The horses have sloped shoulders, a deep chest, strong back with muscular loins, and a flattish croup. The legs are fine with well-defined tendons. The horses are light-framed, and light in bone.
Personality and Temperament The horses have a calm temperament, and are intelligent and quick learners.
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