Albion Fairgrounds

Date:May 7, 2015 1:12 AM

Maple ridge


  1. Basketball
  2. Bleachers
  3. Community Garden
  4. Drinking Water
  5. Garbage Can
  6. Horse Trail
  7. Maple Ridge
  8. Off-Leash Dog Park
  9. Open Green Space
  10. Parking
  11. Riding Ring
  12. Stage
  13. Washrooms
  14. Washrooms (Portable)
  15. Water
  16. Wheelchair Accessible
The Albion Fairgrounds, host to the award-winning Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Country Fest has a wide variety of buildings available for public use, including commercial and exhibition buildings, a beef barn, show rings and an outdoor riding ring. The fairgrounds are also home to equestrian and 4-H groups, as well as supporting other local sports groups.The Albion Fairgrounds has several buildings available for public use:

  • Beef Barn – has an open sawdust floor, perfect for an indoor riding ring
  • Commercial Building and Exhibition Building – two assembly halls with concrete floors, can be used for activities such as floor hockey, soccer, baseball and more
  • Kitchen – When reserving another building for a special event, you can also book the kitchen
  • Outdoor riding ring – for outdoor equestrian events
  • Show rings – good for judging events such as dog shows
  • Stage – appropriate for an outdoor theatre
Business phone number (604) 465-2499 ext 1
23448 105 Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC V2W 1B8, Canada
