- Basketball
- Bleachers
- Community Garden
- Drinking Water
- Garbage Can
- Horse Trail
- Maple Ridge
- Off-Leash Dog Park
- Open Green Space
- Parking
- Riding Ring
- Stage
- Washrooms
- Washrooms (Portable)
- Water
- Wheelchair Accessible
The Albion Fairgrounds, host to the award-winning Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Country Fest has a wide variety of buildings available for public use, including commercial and exhibition buildings, a beef barn, show rings and an outdoor riding ring. The fairgrounds are also home to equestrian and 4-H groups, as well as supporting other local sports groups.The Albion Fairgrounds has several buildings available for public use:
- Beef Barn – has an open sawdust floor, perfect for an indoor riding ring
- Commercial Building and Exhibition Building – two assembly halls with concrete floors, can be used for activities such as floor hockey, soccer, baseball and more
- Kitchen – When reserving another building for a special event, you can also book the kitchen
- Outdoor riding ring – for outdoor equestrian events
- Show rings – good for judging events such as dog shows
- Stage – appropriate for an outdoor theatre